The Club of Healthcare Industry (in German: Club der Gesundheitswirtschaft = cdgw) is the network for high-ranking decision-makers in the German-speaking healthcare industry. However, companies from outside the German-speaking world can also become members.
The cdgw currently has around 90 institutions and companies with a total of 150 members. The share of clinics and medical service providers is almost 35 percent. The Club is non-partisan and independent. The cdgw does not represent any particular interests. Its activities are financed exclusively by the contributions of its members.
The cdgw is an exclusive business club. A membership is only possible through an appointment by the executive committee.
As an attractive and top-class business club, the cdgw offers its members a confidential platform for getting to know each other and for professional exchange beyond the sector boundaries of the industry. It expressly does not see itself as an association or lobby organisation.
The cdgw cultivates club life with some differently oriented events per year. The events range from galas, workshops and weekend seminars in attractive regions to large network meetings and awards ceremonies. This also includes the annual awarding of the renowned Future Award Healthcare Industry (link to the English-language video).
Become a member
Membership in the Club is generally by appointment by the executive committee of the cdgw. Interested parties can contact the club office directly (link to contact) or be proposed there by a member.
The executive committee will then consider an admission. There is the possibility of an individual membership or joining the club with a maximum of two persons.
The cdgw has grown continuously over the past years. The aim is to create and keep a personal atmosphere. That is why the growth of the club is limited. For potential new members, the club executive committee is therefore required to consider both: the compact size of the club and the balance between the individual sectors in the cdgw.
The annual membership fee for clinics, nursing homes, medical centres (medical service providers) etc. is 2.500 Euros for a single membership and 3.500 Euros (plus VAT in each case) for two persons.
Industry, service providers, consultants etc. pay 3.000 Euros for an individual membership and 4.000 Euros (plus VAT) for a membership of two persons.
The Club of Healthcare Industry charges membership fees to ensure its independence from the interests of individuals or companies.
The agency mednet consult gmbh, Berlin, has been commissioned with the professional handling of the Club’s operative work (events, meetings, marketing, communication etc.).
Mrs. Melanie Homrighausen is available as a contact person for all organisational questions, wishes and suggestions at the cdgw office on +49 (0) 30 41 72-38 75 or +49 (0) 160 – 910 794 94 and by e-mail.